Podcast Season 2 Episode 2: What Could Be Better Than Season 1?

After allowing season 1 to run for 2 full years Kary and Jenn discuss what other standards and rules to break during Season 2. Everything from how many episodes to include in this season to guests and rebranding, check out what fun our hosts have in store for us this season!

Dare to be Different!

Kary and Jenn start the new season off right with a retrospective look at our favorite actors’ careers, and discuss what, why and how diversity is such a necessary thing.  And when a surprise guest joins the show, it really… spirals.

Wanna Be On Our Anniversary Podcast?

For the first time EVER, we here at Deppheads and Hiddlestoners are taking calls AS WE ARE RECORDING!!!!!!! Wanna call in and tell us you love us? You hate us? You want other content? You love what we’ve done so far? Or just wish us a happy 2nd anniversary?

We will be recording our two hour Second Anniversary Spectacular on Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 7pm to 9pm Eastern time, (that’s 6pm to 8pm Central time). Give us a call if you want to be a part of it! We would love to hear from each and every one of you!!!!!

Call (979) 373-5476 to talk to Jenn, Kary, or Barry, and let the world know how you think we are doing on our Second Anniversary Spectacular!!!!!

Oops! We did it again!!

Once again, guys, life happened. We hit a little snafu this month, so our podcasts have been slightly delayed… HOWEVER- we are back on track and podcast releases will resume with our Halloween episode on 10/29/2023.

Podcast #92: Babes and Bods of the Caribbean

Jenn and Kary are on the same wavelength so much nowadays it’s SCARY!!! Who gets the title of best Babe of the Pirates series? Which extraordinary hunk gets the title of Best Bod? do Jenn and Kary see eye to eye on these picks, or will there be an ultimate showdown between hosts? and DAMMMIIIITTTTTT!!!!! WHY IS ALL THE RUM GONE??????

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